Thursday, March 5, 2009

Reading the Signs

I'm a semi believer in signs. 

I can't remember if I've ever told any one this, but one of the main reasons I decided to go to school in Portland, and therefore, change the course of my life in a fairly radical way, was because I saw a truck that had "NAVAJO" painted on the side and it had Oregon license plates. I remember where I saw this truck too; it was on the 134 East/ 5 Golden Gate exchange at Griffith Park. The truck's placement at this park, which means so much to me, as well as the Native American reference on its side, at a time when I was into reading Hillerman novels, was a positive sign--an auxiliary sign that told me to stretch my wings and go to Portland. 

The problem is, what if you misread the signs? After all, the way they are interpreted depends on a person's emotional state at the time, and that being said, isn't it possible to read a sign in a shitty mood and do something really foolish depending on your skewed analysis. 

And it's not in my nature to be a fair weather friend so I hate saying that maybe signs should only be followed when your in the best of moods. Like maybe they don't count if you're in a bad one. 

But I will say this. Perhaps the most strong signs are the ones that come from within. Your Gut. Your Intuition, that voice or movement inside of you that urges you in a particular direction. This is the sign to be followed and if outward signs help point the way, then so be it! And if they seem to go opposite of your Gut, then fuck 'em. 

Hey, I did say I was a semi-believer after all.

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