Here's the problem, while the news feed of Bush describing his plan actually sounds like the most articulate thing he's ever said, and kindly explained our market crisis to me (as anyone who knows me knows that I am full of questions). However, this is the problem with being an awful and complete shit of a president: it's called the "Boy Who Cried Wolf" syndrome. After lying for years after the American public found out via the CIA/ FBI/ NSA/ and DOD that we did not have any hard proof of WMDs in Iraq; after lying about the supposed connection between Al-Quaeda and Iraq and Bin Laden; after assisting oil companies in gaining huge profits while the rest of us suffered, coupled by his many failures, I just can't believe what the president is asking us to do. Am I upset that my tax dollars will be used to bail us out of a crisis? Not really; I believe that if anything, our taxes to the federal government should assist us in staying a healthy and great country. I am more upset that a dipshit squandered our money to begin with and then insists he knows what the middle class (and struggling class: i.e. those of us who just graduated college/ homeless or impoverished) are going through. This is simply not true. When was the last time he personally filled up the gas tank? When did he last go to the supermarket? When did he last have college tuition to pay or a mortgage or a retirement fund to pay? Since he's been president his essential, and not so essential needs and wants have been met.
No matter how bad a president he is, he'll leave office, do the whole tour-lecture circuit where some dumbass Southern, conservative (hateful) "Christian" fundamentalist group will pay hundreds, perhaps thousands per head to listen to him speak about his crises and his "successes."Financially, he's set, and we don't know if we are.
One of the MAJOR components of our current market crisis, according to Bush (et. al and other trustworthy sources) is the lack of financial institutions and others not lending credit because they are unsure they can get back their investment.
In much the same way this is a lesson to all of us; that credit, whether literal or figurative is what this world runs on. It's not only important, but vital that we are people of our word. That we are honorable and do what we say and say what we do. If Bush was a person of his word, then I'd trust his plan and if credit was given to us when we earned it, instead of when we asked for it ("See election of Bush TWICE") we'd be in a better spot.
Let's be honorable. Let's strive to mean what we say and to own up to our responsibility. Let's follow the golden rule of being truthful and not "crying wolf."